Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New government clinic in Surra

I took my daughter for a check up with the dentist and realized the old location in the co-op was closed and directions were in Arabic only so I had to find someone to translate directions. Not too far down the street by the bridge to Jabriya is the new location. It is such a nice place and I'm glad they took it away from the co-op as parking was a nightmare. 

I know it's an Arabic country but there are a lot of expats that don't read/write or speak Arabic so why can't they have at least one person at the reception desk who can speak at least a little English to say go left or right. The dental clinic second shift opens at 2 pm and at the other location they would take the CID of people and hold them until numbers are given.

After finally figuring out the dental clinic was upstairs we went up at 2 pm and handed the guy our CID, I watched as they read my daughter's CID and looked on the back for more info which I think is rude and none of their business especially when they say something to each other, look at me and say something else.

So the doctors started arriving around 2:45 pm with Starbuck's in hand. After 3 pm people started going in for work. It's a shame that the attitudes of work will never change, I had hope that the new generation might be better at coming in on time but alas timing is when they feel like it. 

 New up to date x-ray equipment
 Clean up to date tools
 Even the bathroom was nice
 No toilet paper, why? Air drying sucks people!

This is definitely a step up and I hope the government continues to upgrade the clinics around Kuwait but they still need to bring in real doctors who can diagnose correctly instead of saying everything is ok and sending you home with Adol. Here's my previous post on the Surra  dental clinic.

PS: Adan hospital still needs some work! Having ER patients stand around and wait for a bed is pathetic.


  1. This clinc is actually paid for by an individual(s) as a donation, with regard to the construction of the building- not sure about the equipments though. However, it's run and managed by the Ministry of Health. Most clincs in neighborhoods close to the city are donations from individuals, even some hospitals.

  2. Really? Thanks for the info, I didn't know that!

  3. Almost all clinics in what is called inner areas are donations from individuals/families. On the other hand, a lot of hospitals are donations from corporations/families; for instance, AlBahar eye hospital, and the hospitals of Zain and NBK. The same goes for most mosques too. The famous Fatima mosque and AlRashid mosque in Adilya to name a few; they're donations from individuals/families but run and managed by the Ministry of Awqaf.

  4. Awesome, anything else I should know? Do tell me more!!

  5. I'm happy to share the information I have. If you have any question regarding Kuwait, I'll try to address it.

  6. Cool, maybe you can drop me an email as you are anonymous.

  7. I live in Salwa and I recently asked one of the dentists in the Salwa clinic about their timing (the dentists there are friendly and helpful) - she said that they actually come in early since their official evening shift starts at 3pm; but the counter ladies ask people to come early so that they can finish the tickets for the day

  8. That sounds about right, but it sucks that we have to sit and wait from 2 pm. My sister has had to go to the Fahaheel location and people there start lining up at 12:30! My question is, why don't they complete the work in one setting instead of having people come back 3-4 times for one issue. My mom lost her tooth because they did a root canal and told her to come back at a later date, during the waiting period it cracked and broke off. My sister has to wait 3-4 hours just to get an appointment for another day and they are charging her 25 KD for a porcelain crown even though she's Kuwaiti.

    Some things I just don't understand.

  9. I sent you an email to the email you have on the "contact us" page, so that you'll have my email address.


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