
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ali moved to Public Security

Ali shifted from traffic post in MOI reshuffle

KUWAIT: Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammed Al- Khaled Al-Sabah yesterday issued a ministerial decision on reshuffling a number of his assistant undersecretaries.
According to the decision, Maj Gen Mahmoud Al-Doussary was appointed assistant undersecretary for special security affairs, Maj Gen Abdullah Yousef Al- Muhanna was appointed assistant undersecretary for traffic affairs, Maj Gen Abdul Fattah Al-Ali as assistant undersecretary for public security affairs, Maj Gen Khaled Essa Al-Deyeen as assistant undersecretary for correctional facilities and verdict execution, Maj Gen Faisal Al-Nawaf as assistant undersecretary for education and training, Maj Gen Jamal Al-Sayegh as assistant undersecretary for operations and Maj Gen Mazen Jarrah Al-Sabah as assistant undersecretary for citizenship and

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