
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What to Do in Kuwait- Shatiya Watiya Kuwaiti Restaurant

This will be the first of a series of posts on what to do in Kuwait. This is the first place we visited on my last day off. I wanted Kuwaiti food but I knew Freej would be over crowded with people since it's the holidays. I remembered the old Kuwaiti restaurant in the Behbehani complex. I was taken there for the first time in 2003 and I fell in love with the place. Since then it has changed dramatically with the construction of the new highway. The complex now sits alone and only has a few tenants but it is such an amazing place to visit.
When you enter the restaurant it's like stepping back in time, the decorations are from the old days and you could just imagine what life was life back then. It's a fairly large area which can seat plenty of people and it was so quiet, of course there was my table and one other table with guests, it gets a little loud when it's crowded so I suggest going there for an early lunch. They let me explore the rooms and memorabilia and it was like a museum.

I had my favorite gaboot and marubian while my hubby had the dried shrimp one. Great place to visit! It's located behind the Church in Kuwait City. Contact number: 22422088 FYI: They only take cash.


  1. I Have Been in Kuwait for over 12 Years and I never knew about this place !

    Thank you

  2. I'm so glad you will get to enjoy it as I have. I know there are so many hidden treasures in Kuwait and my goal is to find all of them so everyone can enjoy.


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