
Friday, February 1, 2013

Criminal outcomes- Kuwait vs. KSA and Iran

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 30: The detention renewal judge has renewed the detention of the three suspects who are accused of murdering a Lebanese dentist at the Avenues Mall until Feb 20, 2013.

The suspects have denied allegations against them. They affirmed they did not plan to kill the man and said what happened was an ‘accident’ during a fight.

Earlier it was reported an altercation at Avenues Mall that Friday night had led to stabbing to death of a young Lebanese dentist, identified only as Jaber Samir Yousef, 26, born of a Kuwaiti mother.
He was repeatedly stabbed to death following a disagreement with four young men. It was also reported the four young men followed Jaber into the mall after a fight began over a parking space.
There have also been reports Jaber suddenly stopped his car, causing the suspects to crash into him, and in turn angering them.

The Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Interior in a statement had said a 22-year-old Bedoun suspect had been arrested and charged with the murder.

Majority of criminals get away with murder and crime which is one of the reasons why crime continues to rise. There is no justice anymore, murder is murder, eye for an eye or blood money like the old days. Say NO to WASTA!(link)

This is how they handle murder in KSA:

RIYADH — Two Saudi nationals were executed on Wednesday after they were sentenced to death for separate murders, the Interior Ministry announced. Marwan Al-Balawi was convicted of stabbing to death another Saudi, Saif Al-Wabsi, during a dispute in Madinah, said a ministry statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency. Hussein Al-Yami was executed for having shot dead Hamad Al-Jaafar in the southwestern province of Najran, SPA said.(link)

This is how they handle they handle crime in Iran:

Tehran, Jan 20 (IANS) Iran hanged two men in public Sunday morning for armed robbery, Xinhua reported.

A video footage posted on the web and aired on state TV last month had showed a group of robbers, on motorbikes and armed with machetes, assaulting a man in a street of Tehran and forcibly robbing him of his money and documents.

The two executed men, named Alireza Mafiha and Mohammad-Ali Sorouri, aged 23 and 21, were sentenced to death by a revolutionary court in Tehran. The sentence was confirmed by Iran's Supreme Court, ISNA news agency reported.

Two others involved in the attack were sentenced to 10 years in jail, 74 lashes and five years in exile.

Crimes including drug trafficking, murder, adultery, rape and armed robbery are subject to death penalty in Iran. (link)


According to the INSA press agency, the man shown getting his finger cut off was charged with robbery and adultery by a court in the southwestern city of Shiraz. He was also accused of being at the head of a criminal organisation…he was [also] sentenced to three years in prison and 99 whip lashes.(link)

Every day in the newspapers people are being "acquitted" for their crimes due to police messing something up does anyone actually serve time? I know there are 2 American women serving time in Kuwaiti prison. One is serving 7 years and might be released after a couple more years. How is it possible that 90% of criminals get away or get "acquitted' after being charged? Could this be one of the reasons behind the increase in crime? There are also the victims who don't report the acts because they know the police have little interest in putting down their glasses of tea and trying to solve crime.

I found that out when I saw kids breaking the windows on the bus and recorded them only to go to the Abu Halaifa police station to report it and the officers (with tea in hand) looked at me as if I was the crazy one who was interrupting their lounging. Of course they didn't do anything and I'm sure that bus driver probably had to pay for the damage. How does one expect a country to move forward when there is no respect or authority?

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